Saturday, October 30, 2010

Survey 1967/1968

Maintenance Engineering Working Group established by the Ministry of Technology (now the Department of Trade and Industry) in Great Britain began a survey of expenditure for maintenance engineering in the manufacturing industry, not including the nationalized industries and service industries, and the results are very surprising because the survey results prove it turns out the numbers exceed the annual expenditure budget for the entire National Health Service.

Meanwhile, priority, scope and cost for maintenance of function continue to grow in line with advances in engineering technology.
Despite this assumption until even now most people against what is called a maintenance engineer is identical to the worker with dirty clothes, carrying cans of lubricants and a monkey-wrench.

Indonesian Version.

Kelompok Kerja Rekayasa Pemeliharaan yang didirikan oleh Kementerian Teknologi (Sekarang Departemen Perdagangan dan Industri) di Inggeris mulai melakukan survey atas belanja untuk rekayasa pemeliharaan di industri manufaktur, belum termasuk industri yang dinasionalisasi dan industri jasa, dan hasilnya amat mencengangkan karena dari hasil survey membuktikan ternyata  jumlahnya melebihi anggaran pengeluaran tahunan untuk seluruh Jasa Kesehatan Nasional.

Sementara itu prioritas, ruang lingkup dan biaya untuk fungsi pemeliharaan terus berkembang sejalan dengan kemajuan teknologi perekayasaan. Meskipun demikian sampai sekarangpun anggapan sebagian besar orang terhadap apa yang disebut sebagai insinyur pemeliharaan adalah identik dengan pekerja dengan pakaian kotor, membawa kaleng pelumas dan sebuah kunci inggeris.

Terms of Terotechnology -- Terminologi Teroteknologi.

Understanding the terms in Terotechnology.

Due to the unavailability of a universal dictionary that can be accepted and used for various aspects of maintenance, it tends to expand one of  understanding among the engineers.
Here are set of General Terms Used in the Maintenance Organization (Glossary of General Terms Used in Maintenance Organization, BS 3811: 1964) re-issued in BS3811: 1974.
These terms are defined British Standards Institution in conjunction with organizations such as professional engineering institutions, government departments and leading scientific organizations and industry.

Maintenance terms in Terotechnology

  • Maintenance:

A combination of any activities undertaken to keep the goods / equipment / furnishings, or to fix it up to an acceptable condition.

  • Emergency Maintenance:

Maintenance that needs to be done to prevent more serious consequences (impact damage can be widespread).

  • Planned Maintenance:

Maintaining an organized and carried out with consideration to the future, control and record keeping in accordance with a predetermined plan.

  • Breakdown / Damage:

Failures that resulted in the availability of a device.

  • Corrective Maintenance:

Maintenance performed to repair a section which includes job adjustment, repairs that have been stalled to meet a condition that can be accepted.

  • Preventive Maintenance:

Maintenance is carried out at regular intervals (time based) defined previously, or on other criteria outlined and are intended to reduce the possibility of the other parts do not meet an acceptable condition.

  • Running Maintenance:

Maintenance can be done during machine use.

  • Shutdown Maintenance:

Maintenance can only be performed during machine stops.

  • Plant Inventory:

List all items including all parts of the workplace, building and contents for identification purposes along with any information regarding the construction and technical details of each.

  • Maintenance Program:

List of allocation of a type of maintenance for a certain period.

  • Maintenance Schedule:

A comprehensive list of maintenance and the time.

  • History Card:

Note the use of, events and actions that have been done relevant to the goods / equipment / specific tools.

  • Job Reports:

A written statement about the work done and the condition of an appliance is up to date.

  • Job Specification:

Documents outlining the work to be done.

  • Overhaul:

Comprehensive testing and repair of a widget or most of the parts to an acceptable condition.

  • Downtime:

The time period in which a device is not in condition to provide the expected performance.

  • Maintenance Planning:

Determination before any maintenance work carried out concerning the methods, materials, equipment, machinery, expertise-workers, time required and when.

Source: Maintenance Management Technique: U. S. Corder.

Indonesian Version:

Pemahaman Istilah-istilah dalam Teroteknologi.

Karena belum tersedianya kamus universal yang dapat diterima dan digunakan untuk berbagai aspek pemeliharaan, hal ii cenderung memperluas salah pengertian diantara para insinyur. Berikut ini disajikan Himpunan Istilah Umum yang Digunakan dalam Organisasi Pemeliharaan (Glossary of General Terms used in Maintenance Organization, BS 3811: 1964) yang dikeluarkan ulang dalam BS3811: 1974. Istilah-istilah ini dirumuskan Lembaga Standar Inggeris bersama-sama dengan organisasi-organisasi seperti lembaga insinyur professional, departemen-departemen pemerintah dan organisasi ilmiah dan industri terkemuka.

Maintenance Terms in Terotechnology, Istilah-istilah Pemeliharaan dalam Terotechnologi.

·         Maintenance/Pemeliharaan:

Suatu kombinasi dari setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menjaga suatu barang/alat/perkakas, atau untuk memperbaikinya sampai suatu kondisi yang bisa diterima.

·         Emergency Maintenance/Pemeliharaan Darurat:

Pemeliharaan yang perlu segera dilakukan untuk mencegah akibat yang lebih serius (dampak kerusakan dapat meluas).

·         Planned Maintenance/Pemeliharaan Terencana:

Pemeliharaan yang terorganisasi dan dilakukan dengan pertimbangan ke masa depan, pengendalian dan pencatatan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya.

·         Breakdown/Rusak:
Kegagalan yang mengakibatkan ketersediaan suatu alat.

·         Corrective Maintenance/Pemeliharaan Koreksi:
Pemeliharaan yang dilakukan untuk memperbaiki suatu bagian termasuk di dalamnya pekerjaan penyetelan, reparasi yang telah terhenti untuk memenuhi suatu kondisi yang bisa diterima.

·         Preventive Maintenance/Pemeliharaan Pencegahan:
Pemeliharaan yang dilakukan pada selang waktu  (time based) yang ditentukan sebelumnya, atau terhadap criteria lain yang diuraikan dan dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi kemungkinan bagian-bagian lain tidak memenuhi kondisi yang bisa diterima.

·         Running Maintenance/Pemeliharaan Berjalan:
Pemeliharaan yang dapat dilakukan selama mesin dipakai.

·         Shutdown Maintenance/Pemeliharaan Berhenti:
Pemeliharaan yang hanya dapat dilakukan selama mesin berhenti.

·         Plant Inventory/Daftar Inventaris Pabrik:
Daftar seluruh barang termasuk seluruh bagian tempat kerja, bangunan dan isinya untuk tujuan identifikasi beserta segala informasi mengenai konstruksi dan rincian teknis masing-masing.

·         Maintenance Program/Program Pemeliharaan:
Daftar alokasi suatu jenis pemeliharaan untuk satu periode tertentu.

·         Maintenance Schedule/Jadwal Pemeliharaan:
Daftar komprehensif mengenai pemeliharaan dan waktunya.

·         History Card/Kartu Riwayat:
Catatan penggunaan, kejadian dan tindakan-tindakan yang pernah dilakukan bersangkut-paut dengan suatu barang/alat/perkakas tertentu.

·         Job Report/Laporan Kerja:
Pernyataan tertulis tentang kerja yang dilakukan dan kondisi suatu alat secara up to date.

·         Job Specification/Spesifikasi Kerja:
Dokumen yang menguraikan pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan.

·         Overhaul/Perbaikan Menyeluruh:
Pengujian dan perbaikan menyeluruh dari suatu alat/perkakas atau sebagian besar bagiannya sampai suatu kondisi yang bisa diterima.

·         Downtime/Waktu Menganggur:
Periode waktu di mana suatu alat tidak berada dalam kondisi mampu memberikan unjuk kerja yang diharapkan.

·         Maintenance Planning/Perencanaan Pemeliharaan:
Penentuan sebelum suatu pekerjaan pemeliharaan dilakukan menyangkut metoda, bahan, alat, mesin, keahlian-pekerja, waktu yang diperlukan dan kapan.

Sumber: Maintenance Management Technique: A.S. Corder.

Definition of Terotechnology.

Taken from the Greek word, Terein – it means "treating", "keeping" or "keep". In essence, a system terotechnology not depend on the hierarchy of any organization in the system is operated, both in size and complexity of the equipment or installation supervision.

In other words, the basic principles terotechnologiy can be used, on a large scale and small, of every physical asset in every organization, regardless of whatever size or complexity of the assets or the organization.

Terotechnologiy is a combination of management, finance, engineering and other activities that applied to physical assets to get the cost of economic cycles, this is related to the specification and design for reliability and be able to keep the factories, machines, equipment, buildings and structure, with installation, testing, maintenance, modification and replacement, and with the feedback information for the design, performance and cost.

Indonesia Version:

Diambil dari kata Yunani, Terein – “merawat”, “menjaga” atau “memelihara”. Pada hakikatnya suatu system teroteknologi tidak bergantung pada hirarki organisasi di manapun system tersebut dioperasikan, baik pada ukuran serta kompleksitas peralatan atau instalasi yang diawasinya.
Dengan kata lain, prinsip-prinsip dasar teroteknologi dapat dipakai, pada skala besar maupun kecil, terhadap setiap asset fisik dalam setiap organisasi, tidak tergantung berapapun ukuran atau kompleksitas asset atau organisasi tersebut.

Teroteknologi adalah kombinasi dari manajemen, keuangan, perekayasaan dan kegiatan-kegiatan lain yang diterapkan bagi asset fisik untuk mendapatkan biaya siklus-siklus ekonomi; hal ini berhubungan dengan spesifikasi dan rancangan untuk keandalan serta mampu pelihara dari pabrik, mesin-mesin, peralatan, bangunan dan struktur, dengan instalasinya, pengetesan, pemeliharaan, modifikasi dan penggantian, dan dengan umpan-balik informasi untuk rancangan, unjuk kerja dan biaya.

"Blue Collar" Movement -- Gerakan "Kerah Biru"

After that, the engineers are more educated and visionary in his time began to make efforts to change the presumption.

Indonesian Version:

Kemudian dari pada itu, para insinyur yang lebih berpendidikan dan visioner pada jamannya mulai melakukan usaha-usaha untuk mengubah anggapan tersebut.

Dilaporkan Kelompok Kerja tersebut telah mengajukan proposal untuk membuat suatu komite yang bertugas untuk :

Reportedly Working Group has submitted a proposal to create a committee whose task is to:
1. Directing further actions as may be necessary;
2. Providing training and education a more adequate;
3. Building a National Maintenance Center;
4. Investigate the use of maintenance resources and groups;
5. Conducting research on all aspects of maintenance.
At its peak in April 1970, is the enactment of a new term for technologies that include maintenance of a broader understanding of the standards previously set. 

 The term is meant is Terotechnology.
1.       Mengarahkan tindakan-tindakan lebih lanjut yang dianggap perlu;
2.       Memberikan pelatihan dan pendidikan yang lebih memadai;
3.       Membangun Pusat Pemeliharaan Nasional;
4.       Menyelidiki penggunaan sumberdaya pemeliharaan kelompok dan
5.       Melakukan penelitian terhadap segala aspek pemeliharaan.
Pada puncaknya pada bulan April 1970, adalah dengan ditetapkannya istilah baru untuk teknologi pemeliharaan yang mencakup pengertian yang lebih luas dari pada standard yang ditetapkan sebelumnya.

Istilah dimaksud adalah Teroteknologi.

Maintenance goals.

There are 4 main purposes of maintenance, namely:

  • 1. To extend the lifetime of the asset. Terminology is important and popular in developing countries like in our country. In developed countries in many ways more beneficial "change" from the "keep".
  • 2. To ensure optimum availability of installed equipment for the production (or service) and get a return on investment (investment income), the maximum possible.
  • 3. To ensure the operational readiness of all equipment needed in any emergency situation, such as reserve units, units of firefighters, and rescue equipment and so forth.
  • 4. To ensure the safety of people using these facilities.

Indonesian Version:

Ada 4 tujuan pokok pemeliharaan, yaitu:

1.   Untuk memperpanjang  lifetime dari asset. Terminologi ini penting dan popular di Negara-negara berkembang seperti di Negara kita. Di Negara-negara maju dalam banyak hal lebih menguntungkan “mengganti” dari pada “memelihara”.

2.   Untuk menjamin ketersediaan optimum peralatan yang dipasang untuk produksi (atau jasa) dan mendapatkan return of investment  (laba investasi) maksimum yang mungkin.

3.   Untuk menjamin kesiapan operasional dari seluruh peralatan yang dalam setiap keadaan darurat diperlukan, misalnya unit-unit cadangan, unit pemadam kebakaran, dan peralatan penyelamat dan sebagainya.

4.    Untuk menjamin keselamatan orang yang menggunakan sarana tersebut.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Maintenance Items, when working with Compressed Air.

Daily checks should be carried out to all compressors and it is good practice to record machine hours, oil pressure, outlet pressure and temperature.

All water traps should be checked by manually opening the by-pass valves and if excessive quantities of water are ejected, then the automatic trap should be checked and if necessary repaired.

The lubricating oil level in the compressors should be checked. In lubricated compressors, an excessive loss of oil could indicate oil migrating into the system with the attendant risk of an explosion.

Lubricating oil should be changed at the recommended intervals. Prolonged use of a given charge of oil could lead to a breakdown of the oil into the lighter hydrocarbons and possible explosion within the system.

Source: European Brewery Convention-Manual of Good Practice: Brewery Utilities.

Boiler and Steam Distribution Maintenance.

1. Cleaning.

Cleaning of burner components and heat transfer surfaces will be required in order to maintain efficient operation.

In the case of burners this is especially important for oil-fired types. The production of a thin even film of oil is only possible in rotating cup types if the sharp edge of the cup is intact and not disrupted by deposits. Similarly pressure jet types require clean nozzles.

Heat transfer surfaces can become coated on the fire-side, in either case reducing the heat transfer rate through the insulating effect of deposits. This is evidenced by a higher than usual flue gas temperature. Apart from periodic cleaning during shutdown and soot-blowing, fuel additives are sometimes used to reduce the problem on the fire-side. Water treatment controls water-side effects.

2. Insulation.

Maintaining the integrity of insulation around boiler shells, steam and hot water pipes and condensate return system is important in the overall efficiency of the whole operation. In particular the outer cladding which protects the insulation from damage and the weather should be inspected and repaired where faulty. Water entering porous insulation leaks or from the atmosphere will negate the effects of insulation.

3. Leakage.

At certain sites within the combustion gas path, the pressure may be bellow atmospheric giving the possibility of air leakage into the boiler. This creates a reduction of efficiency through upsetting the control of the fuel to air ratio.

Steam and hot water leakage from pipes creates several problems. There is a hazard to staff from high temperature steam escaping into the atmosphere and from water on the floor, energy is wasted (see table below), treated (and thus expensive) water is lost and insulation can be damaged.

In the case of oil installations, the prevention of any form leakage is essential for safety and ground pollution reasons as well as for simple fuel loss. Tanks should always be contained in a bund wall designed to contain any loss.

4. Examples of fuel penalty of typical leaks in a 7 bar g steam system.

Leak size mm diameter    Steam loss tonne/year      Fuel used tonne/year
             0.80                                12.00                                0.80
             1.60                                48.00                                3.40
             3.20                              180.00                              12.60
             6.40                              732.00                              51.20
             9.50                           1.680.00                            118.00

Source: European Brewery Convention-Manual of Good Practice: Brewery Utilities.