Taken from the Greek word, Terein – it means "treating", "keeping" or "keep". In essence, a system terotechnology not depend on the hierarchy of any organization in the system is operated, both in size and complexity of the equipment or installation supervision.
In other words, the basic principles terotechnologiy can be used, on a large scale and small, of every physical asset in every organization, regardless of whatever size or complexity of the assets or the organization.
Terotechnologiy is a combination of management, finance, engineering and other activities that applied to physical assets to get the cost of economic cycles, this is related to the specification and design for reliability and be able to keep the factories, machines, equipment, buildings and structure, with installation, testing, maintenance, modification and replacement, and with the feedback information for the design, performance and cost.
In other words, the basic principles terotechnologiy can be used, on a large scale and small, of every physical asset in every organization, regardless of whatever size or complexity of the assets or the organization.
Terotechnologiy is a combination of management, finance, engineering and other activities that applied to physical assets to get the cost of economic cycles, this is related to the specification and design for reliability and be able to keep the factories, machines, equipment, buildings and structure, with installation, testing, maintenance, modification and replacement, and with the feedback information for the design, performance and cost.
Indonesia Version:
Diambil dari kata Yunani, Terein – “merawat”, “menjaga” atau “memelihara”. Pada hakikatnya suatu system teroteknologi tidak bergantung pada hirarki organisasi di manapun system tersebut dioperasikan, baik pada ukuran serta kompleksitas peralatan atau instalasi yang diawasinya.
Dengan kata lain, prinsip-prinsip dasar teroteknologi dapat dipakai, pada skala besar maupun kecil, terhadap setiap asset fisik dalam setiap organisasi, tidak tergantung berapapun ukuran atau kompleksitas asset atau organisasi tersebut.
Teroteknologi adalah kombinasi dari manajemen, keuangan, perekayasaan dan kegiatan-kegiatan lain yang diterapkan bagi asset fisik untuk mendapatkan biaya siklus-siklus ekonomi; hal ini berhubungan dengan spesifikasi dan rancangan untuk keandalan serta mampu pelihara dari pabrik, mesin-mesin, peralatan, bangunan dan struktur, dengan instalasinya, pengetesan, pemeliharaan, modifikasi dan penggantian, dan dengan umpan-balik informasi untuk rancangan, unjuk kerja dan biaya.
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